Our Sponsors!

We Couldn’t Do What We Do Without YOU! Thank You So Much!

PACTIV https://www.pactiv.com/Pactiv.htm

Table of Grace www.centraltexastableofgrace.org

Foster Community Central Texas chelsy@fostercommunity.org

Restoration House of God www.rhog.org

Iglesia Cristiana Ministerio Sanador icmstx@gmail.com

Logos in Thread logos@hot.rr.com

I.M.P.A.C imapcoutreach.org

Angel Touch L.L.C. ocasiomarie@yahoo.com

Austin Elite Mobile Detailing www.austinemd.com

Sergio Silva Ph.D sergio.silva@ahss.org

United Way www.uwct.org

Farmers Insurance justinWbaca@farmersagency.com

AVMartinez, INC will@avmartinez.us

Alert 360 www.alert360.com

Hope for the Hungry www.hopeforthehungry.org

Salado Church of Christ saladochurchofchrist.com

Chase Bank www.chase.com

Restorative Hope Sanctuary jo@restorativehope.org

Tamara LaBombard CPA, LLC www.cpataxprepkilleen.com

Seton Medical Harker Heights

Transforming Life Center www.transforminglifecentertlc.com

Habitat for Humanity www.fhahfh.org

Spartan Structures www.spartan-lic.com

Mentoring and Advocating for Travis County Homes

Elite Therapy Center karen.oakley@elitetherapycenter.org

News Channel 25 tdurden@kxxv.com

Temple Daily Telegram www.tdtnews.com

KWTX News 10 www.kwtx.com

Alexander Art Studio halexand@embarqmail.com

coryell county child welfare board jjfirth@aol.com


United K9 Academy www.unitedK9academy.com

Bell County Juvenile Services dawn.owens@co.bell.tx.us

Discoverkilleen www.discoverkilleen.com

Salado Village Voice news@saladovillagevoice.com

Foster Angels of Central Texas www.fosterangelsctx.org

Helping Hands Belton execdir@helpinghandsbelton.org

Bell County Fire Marshall s.casey@co.bell.tx.us

Bell County Tax Appraisal District www.bellcad.org

Oliver Januszka Graphic Design & Illustration create@oliverjanuszka.com